The brand new spring issue of the LIFESTYLEHOTELS magazine THE Stylemate is available as a single issue for € 7 incl. shipping.

This issue's topic is wabi-sabi:

Wabi-sabi, finding beauty in imperfection, is a Japanese concept of aesthetic values that we really like and wish to embrace. This issue of The Stylemate is dedicated to all things Japan, and we have put together a selection of many beautiful things for you to enjoy, some of which are virtually perfect, while others are so interesting that that could be deemed as their version of beauty. The reason for orienting our focus on Japan and the Japanese culture is that this summer sees Tokyo playing host to the Olympic Games. We have therefore made our cover as sporty as it is unusual, but we think it is the perfect example of the concept of wabi-sabi. And of course, we have the usual selection of hotels that are sure to inspire you to get out and travel.

We invite you once again to engage with unknown people and places on the following pages and draw inspiration from real-life
experiences and the usual selection of hotels!

Issue NO. 01/2020 | 40 Pages

Release date: March 2020

Stk. € 7,00
Present as a gift