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Experience history with a culinary foray through the crown lands of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, with seven delicacies including drinks and a “historical keepsake” as a small gift.

To redeem your voucher, please reserve your table directly at Hotel Stefanie, Taborstr. 12, 1020 Vienna, Tel. +43 1 211 50-0, email: It is not possible to redeem the voucher in cash. Voucher valid for 1 person. The provision of the specified service is valid until 3 years after date of issue.

Enjoy history culinary:

  • What does Wiener Schnitzel have to do with Field Marshal Radetzky? 
  • Is the Hungarian goulash perhaps coming from Vienna? 
  • How does the Kaiserschmarrn get its name? 
  • Is the boiled fillet really the best piece of beef?

We serve all of these culinary delights and the corresponding answers every day on our Old Viennese delicacy trip in the Stefanie restaurant.

Through these 7 delicacies you’ll get familiar with Viennese cuisine:

  • Veal goulash with Salzstangerl 
  • Homemade beef broth with pancake strips and 'Kaiserschöberl'
  • Wiener Schnitzel with potato salad 
  • Tafelspitz with classic side dishes - roast potatoes, apple horseradish and chive sauce 
  • Powidltascherln (plum pockets) 
  • Apfelstrudel 
  • Kaiserschmarren

Including Ottakringer Pils, a glass of Austrian wine and a Viennese Melange .... and a 'historic souvenir' as our special thank you!

Schick-Hotels Betriebs GmbH
Taborstraße 12
AT-1020 Wien
Tel: +43 1 21150 0
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