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October to may, every Sunday from 12:00 – 3:00 PM with season delicacies and classics of Viennese cuisine, accompanied by background music on the piano.

To redeem your voucher, please reserve your table directly at Hotel Stefanie, Taborstr. 12, 1020 Vienna, Tel. +43 1 211 50-0, email: It is not possible to redeem the voucher in cash. Voucher valid for 1 person. The provision of the specified service is valid until 3 years after date of issue.

Brunch to your heart's content!

Delicacies from the Viennese kitchen enter into an exciting dialogue with seasonal delicacies. Enjoyment and culinary delights are the focus and ensure a tasty start to Sunday.

The culinary delicacies are accompanied by atmospheric background music on the piano. Always from October to May, from 12 noon to 3 p.m.

Please note: On special holidays such as Christmas, Easter and Mother's Day there is an extra charge of € 27,--/p.P. 

Schick-Hotels Betriebs GmbH
Taborstraße 12
AT-1020 Wien
Tel: +43 1 21150 0
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